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    Best Kisses is a unique user-generated kissing photo website promoting the power of love one kiss at a time. Send us your photo kisses, captions and love-notes. New photos post every Monday. It's simple! It's your life in a kiss.

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Just beautiful. Your blog is so well put-together. I wish I could get mine as beautiful as yours! :-)

Enjoyed this one a lot.

Philip Stolle

Mr. Besilly, I always appreciate your entries. I think this one however tops them for me as it prodded me personally in a significant way. Thanks, Phil


Great post that brought back some lovely memories. So I referenced your post today in mine.


the funny thing about letting go of your dreams... is that you don't realize it until you are so far away from them. You have no idea where or when you left them.


Dreams, sometimes are the hardest things to hold on to in life. We sacrifice for love, we tend to split ourselves into two, in order to keep love. But as you said, keeping them alive within ones heart is still hanging on to your dreams.

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