"Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with eachother" Rene Yasnek
There is not a simpler way of spreading the power of love than viewing photos of people kissing, smooching, kissing their pets, kissing their babies and of course each other. We created the Best Kisses website to promote the power of love by featuring user-generated photos and photo art focused on kissing. It's simple! It's art! It's your life in a kiss. Making Best Kisses a place that focuses on the lives of our contributors creates a true community.
My wife Terri and I wanted to develop a fun website that we could partner
in together as a labor of love after three kids and twenty three years
of marriage. We brainstormed about creating something positive that
brighten our day. When we started viewing the photos submitted it became difficult for us to stop smiling.
Here's your invitation to visit Best Kisses and experience for yourself the great feeling that follows life in a kiss. But here's my disclaimer; I take no responsibility for any subsequent joy that follows your visit.
Consider sending us your best kisses. Cheers!
(Puppy Love by Nancy Harris) Best Kisses is a safe community friendly website
A lovely piece of info!
You might also find it useful to visit my website: http://www.petsmanners.info
Posted by: mariam | July 12, 2007 at 09:09 PM
What a cool idea. I finally checked it out. Now I'm going to have to find a photo. Or make one. :-) Hmmm...my dog, or my resident hunk? Tough choice!
Posted by: kellypea | July 13, 2007 at 03:18 PM