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Lady Banana

I remember the excitement of going into a record shop to buy my music and then rushing home to listen to it, dreamily gazing at the often beautiful artwork on the sleeve.. oh I'm old..LOL


#9 is wicked funny!

Let's all pray that we are nicer to everyone so that #4 just doesn't happen.

I ran a music store for 5 years. So you can talk to me anytime does that count for #7 LOL

Be safe...

David G

This is one powerful collection of recollections. Imagine what your child will be writing 20 years from now - "We used to watch hilarious home-made videos on YouTube until Steve Jobs invented the direct only neuron transmitter (DONT) that implants music right into our heads, bypassing our ears completely."

Jim Ticehurst

Once upon a time would I have spent time reading the comments of someone that I have never heard of and will almost certainly never meet?

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