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Been thinking about this again lately. In the midst of a maddening work schedule somehow I need to find time to slow down and enjoy life, like my sweetheart and my kiddos. Just don't think I'm going to get to my last days and wished I worked more. Think I'll stop-in at Starbucks, sit and enjoy a Green Tea Latte instead of taking it to go!

Thanks for the good thought to ponder today.

mr. besilly

Phil... I've learned that the time you invest on your family and in yourself to refresh for your family, is time invested wisely and will bring no regrets. Stay on that path.

Tracy Crowe

It absolutely is important to be sometimes instead of just doing all the time. We get so caught up in frenetic activity that we lose track of whether that activity is actually accomplishing something that we would want it too. It is only by sitting quietly that we can be aware of what is around us and hear the still small voice of God whispering to us through our intuition and telling us what the best thing to do is. It is a proven fact that people who meditate are happier people. I think it is also true that people really do hear what they want to hear, and see what they want to see, and this can lead them astray

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