When I read "If Only", knowing it was written by a seventeen year old teenager, I was taken aback. When that teenager is also my daughter, it brought tears to my eyes. She gave me permission to share.
If only love was not a game with losers ever present
If only hate was not a very commonly misused weapon
If only words were not like swords that cut each man so deep
If only dreams were not just merely thoughts we think in sleep
If only war was not a part of any ruler’s plan
If only peace was not ignored in every heart of man
If only light did not just fill the sky for half a day
If only darkness didn’t make us waste our lives away
If only faith was not a quick escape from our own self
If only hope was not relied upon to create wealth
If only I could understand the frenzy of our world
If only I was more than any other average girl
by Rachel Skye Basile